

Active Directory penetration testing cheatsheet

Active Directory penetration testing cheatsheet

All you need to know to hack Active directory As an example, here I used one of the htb…
 Chanel Korea apologizes forersonal data leak

Chanel Korea apologizes forersonal data leak

(A screenshot of Chanel Korea's website) The South Korean unit of Frenc…
How to bypass the credential manager in Windows

How to bypass the credential manager in Windows

A method to escalate your privileges without knowing any password. Hi guys! Recently I…


FREE CYBER RESOURCES An awesome list of resources for training, conferences, speaking, l…
Tor Browser 10.0.18 Released

Tor Browser 10.0.18 Released

Tor Browser 10.0.18 Released – Fixed The Flaw That Let Websites Tracking Users Tor is…
Why XSS is still an XXL issue in 2021

Why XSS is still an XXL issue in 2021

Why XSS is still an XXL issue in 2021 Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks take advantage…
MSFVenom Cheat Sheet – Easy way to create Metasploit Payloads

MSFVenom Cheat Sheet – Easy way to create Metasploit Payloads

I included the most useful MSFVenom commands in this MSFVenom cheat sheet. MSFVenom is …

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